With unprecedented longevity, our generation is perhaps the first to demand so much from "middle" age. We consider our 40's and 50's the true mid-point of our lives. We may have both young children and aging parents to care for, but we have plans for ourselves too. More than ever, our health is crucial to those that depend on us, and to our quality of life. Traditional medicine has focused on treating disease, rather than preventing disease. We realize our "Healthcare System" is actually a "Sickcare System" and cannot ensure our well being for the years to come. Many of us are looking outside the box of traditional medicine for guidance in aging with both physical and mental vigor. New research in Preventative Medicine tells us that combining an active lifestyle with good nutrition, supplements, weight control and correct hormone balance is the most effective means to accomplish this. Age Management and Wellness Medicine is actively pursuing the latest research and applying it to our lives now. The science is changing every day, and it really is an axciting time to be alive!
At AgeLess Medical we believe that looking good and feeling good go hand-in-hand. What you see in the mirror is a reflection of how you feel inside.
If you find that you don't recognize that person in the mirror anymore, let us help you find yourself again. What you do today will change your tomorrow!
Dr. Virginia Thomas
(219) 765-4720
9321 Wicker Avenue, Ste. 204
St. John, IN 46375
Tu & Thu 3pm–7:30pm
Wed & Fri 9am–3pm
Sat-Mon Closed